Why is leading a microschool right for you?
Microschooling leaders are as varied and diverse as the children they serve.
Many microschooling leaders are parents, determined to provide a quality education option for their children, leading a microschool in their own home that includes their children as well as others.
Microschooling leaders may also be educators, who for various reasons, want the opportunity to educate children without the many hurdles that come with teaching in a school.
We are seeing more and more organizations, employers and associations, turn to microschooling. Employer-based microschooling is mutually beneficial for both the employee and employer. This arrangement is an incredible benefit for employees and association members.
Forward-thinking municipalities, who are listening to their communities ask for better schooling options, are forming partnerships to provide quality microschooling options for the families they serve.
MicroschoolingNV is here to help you design your microschooling experience. We are foundation funded, so there is no cost to you for our services. Let us help you navigate the various aspects involved with microschooling, such as curricula, locations, technology, and more.
If you are potentially interested in starting a microschool, or forming a partnership microschool, we want to hear from you. Fill out our contact us form, or email us directly at ashley@nevadaaction.org. We look forward to working with you!